Our Daily Bird 57: Harper's Red Cardinal

You'll have to pardon the little Hedge break. I was in Tofino, BC watching waves crash into rocks and couldn't bear to interrupt all that with blogging. The sound of waves are firmly tucked into my memory for those long winter's nights and we are back with all the good things that Hedgies have to offer.
We started Our Daily Bird with some Charlie Harper and there is so much to pick from his work, it is inevitable that Harper's birds will land here from time to time. I have also been listening to Mile's Davis' Blue in Green and this hip red guy seemed to fit that mood.
Poster Cabaret has these available as small canvas murals. If you are looking for some more affordable art work, Poster Cabaret also has a nice selection of posters from artists like Bianca Gomez, Amy Ruppel, and Frank Chimero.