The Daily Shave

I hate shaving and am always looking for a way to improve it. Saskatchewan is dry (we invented the term dry cold), wind swept, and my skin is always irritated. To deal with this I am always using some skin conditioner which means that I smell like aloe or something else all day when what I really want to smell like is The Old Spice Guy (Who knew? Marketing works). A couple of years ago I thought I came up with the perfect solution, I would grow the bald man ponytail and a lumberjack beard. Not only would I not have to shave but I would always have a place to store my wallet and cell phone. Well, Wendy vetoed that idea (she won't let me rock the mullet anymore either) and I was back trying to find a way to improve my shave.
One of the things I asked to get for Christmas was a shaving brush and some shaving soap. Jon Armstrong mentioned it to his wife Heather Armstrong (creator of Dooce) a couple of years ago as a great Christmas gift and I was wondering if there was a good alternative to smelling a like I lived in an aloe plant every time I shaved.
On Christmas Eve I opened my stocking and found a Wilkinson Sword shaving brush and soap. Later that night I tried it out - running some hot water, getting the brush wet, lathering up some soap, lathering up some more, getting a little carried away with it, making a mess, cleaning the mess up, and then realizing I had left the hot water on the entire time and had fogged up the mirror. By this time Wendy was mad that I was wasting water, Mark had to go to the bathroom and all momentum was lost.
Fast forward to Christmas morning and I tried again - this time with less mess and pretty good results. The brush helps hydrate the shaving cream in order to form a thick rich shaving lather. Using a brush to lather up helps get the shaving cream up under each whisker which results in better, smoother shaves. At that point my face cried out in a chorus of joy. It felt good, really good. Not only that but I didn’t smell like a plant and over the next couple of days I realized I didn’t need to use any after shave skin conditioner either. There is something to be said for kickin’ it old school. Now if I can only find my Zubaz pants and my Tony Hawk skateboard.
Since I was reinventing my shaving time, I decided to see if the razor needed an upgrade. Now I know a real man would get himself a straight edge but I like my Schick Quattro Titanium and my jugular veins enjoy not being nicked up. After looking at some Gillette products and seeing that a blade is now over $3, I went cheap and picked up a M5 Magnum five blade razor. Its blades cost half the amount that the Quattro blades do and are a fraction of the Fusion Pro Glide blades. I thought to myself, “How bad can they be?”. Well it’s not as good as the Quattro but it’s not horrible either. I got a better shave then my old Gillette Sensor 3 razor but it wasn’t as comfortable as my Quattro. For whatever reason I have found that many razors included in the original case are of lower quality than the replacement blades (which has never made any sense to me) so I won’t make my final decision for a couple weeks but unless things change, I will relegate the M5 Magnum to my dopp kit or to the cabin.
Next week’s old school trick? Downgrading your web browser.

Reader Comments (3)
That post brought back memories of me at 4 years old, watching my Dad lather up with his brush, shave, then splash on the Aqua Velva I had given him for Christmas...thx Jordon.
This description evoked memories for me, too, but of my grandpa. I don't think he ever used -- or even owned an electric razor. He used Wilkinson Sword razors and Old Spice aftershave. I can still see the bottle on the shelf in the bathroom with the pink walls. In Winnipeg. Lovely memories. Yes, thanks.
Oh my. I was in a much too serious frame of mind when I read this the first time. Read it again this morning and had several smiles and a least one deep, silent laugh.
Love your writing and sense of humour, Jordon. Thanks for a delightful diversion.