FS Michaels:

Tea-drinking, book-writing, dog-walking (not often, but don't feel too sorry for him, he has another owner), gardening, home renovating, editing, cheese-loving, all-around trying-some-of-everything hedgie. Hedge person. Girl-in-the-hedge.

Author of MONOCULTURE: HOW ONE STORY IS CHANGING EVERYTHING (forthcoming 2011). Former editor of Beyond. Former other things. Last notable moment: spray-painted 80-pound terracotta mushrooms left behind in our garden when we moved in and managed to make them uglier. Notable moment before that: won the Nobel Prize. (Still reading?) Favorite book of the last two years: The Art of the Quit. Favorite advice for the last two years: Good advice when you're in your twenties is bad advice when you're in your sixties. Favorite movie dialogue this very moment: 'Allow me to explain about [insert anything you like here]. The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.' 'So what do we do?' 'Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well.' 'How?' 'I don't know. It's a mystery.'

Find me here and there:



thefsmichaels (at) gmail (dot) com



