Animated Poetry: Billy Collins

I try to read a poem every morning. Three weeks of lectures and then weeks of other often inscrutable and dull writing has made catching the rhythm of a poem on the page more difficult. Since readings and being read to are not my favorite thing, a little animated poetry often saves the day.
JWTNY animated poetry channel:
"Billy Collins, former US Poet Laureate and one of America's best-selling poets, reads his poem[s] with animation by Juan Delcan of Spontaneous.
Noted for their intelligent humor, accessibility and observations on daily life, Collins' popular poems come alive further in a series of animated poems produced by JWT New York."
These are best dished out slowly. Here is Billy Collins reading "Forgetfulness".
Reader Comments (5)
LOVE it.
wow. gorgeous. all of it. thanks for sharing!!!
Definitely the most wonderful thing I've seen or heard today. I think I will be tuning into this channel often.
Beautiful - both the poem and the animation. Bookmarked!
I adore his poetry, especially "Japan" and "Victoria's Secret".
These animated videos are such a treat.