Animated Poetry: Billy Collins
Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 9:34AM
KR Wolfe in KR Wolfe, Poetry

I try to read a poem every morning. Three weeks of lectures and then weeks of other often inscrutable and dull writing has made catching the rhythm of a poem on the page more difficult. Since readings and being read to are not my favorite thing, a little animated poetry often saves the day.

JWTNY animated poetry channel:

"Billy Collins, former US Poet Laureate and one of America's best-selling poets, reads his poem[s] with animation by Juan Delcan of Spontaneous.

Noted for their intelligent humor, accessibility and observations on daily life, Collins' popular poems come alive further in a series of animated poems produced by JWT New York."

These are best dished out slowly. Here is Billy Collins reading "Forgetfulness".

Article originally appeared on Hedge Society (
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