Card me for Kiva!

Smoking Kangaroo letterpress card by Pistachio Press
Just say, "Card me!" and $1 will go to Kiva.
I love letterpress. And you'll be seeing more of it now that I have sent a few projects on their way and I'm able to focus on the Hedge's year-end calendar roundup. Hurray for small presses where people lovingly press their designs into beautiful tactile papers. I encourage Hedgies of all kinds to support letterpress makers and send beautiful papery things into the world.
If you remember, when this blog was first launched we held The Great Paper Exchange where perfect and imperfect strangers sent papery things to each other just for the great fun of it all. I'm thinking we need to do that again - maybe to combat the February blues.
Christmas is one of the opportunities to send letterpress but this year, I am not sending cards. Part of this has to do with choosing to celebrate a different kind of holiday - not one that needs to battle consumerism, or save money or hold up the banner of Buy Nothing Christmas although those are all interesting choices. It just feels different to me. Every once in a while, I need to rethink traditions and notions of celebration.
I find it a necessary corrective but also somehow soothing, to be able to change, to look at things differently every so often and offer myself another perspective. For now, this is something that is too hard to explain in bloggish format. It seems like anytime you choose something you are passing judgement on someone choosing something else and so I will leave my different choice to my own mind.
That being said, i would like to send something out into the world during this time of year. So here's the deal: let me know that you'd like a Christmas card and I'll send $1 to Kiva, the online microfinancing platform with the motto "loans that change lives". For the last few years, I've loaned money through Kiva to women in South America, Africa, and Asia. It's good fun and as someone who often works independently, I'm happy to be a part of the small businesses that other women in the world are operating.
Here's how it works:
Just say, "Card me!" and $1 will go to Kiva.
You can email (hedgesociety at gmail dot com), DM (@kr_wolfe), use facebook, leave a message in the comments, or use tin cans and string. Just for the great fun of it all.
Reader Comments (10)
Well, then: card me! Please and also thank-you. What fun.
Card me too!
Card me three!
And about change, choosing, and judgement (chudgement?) -very well said.
what an awesome jesture! I love Kiva and will continue to re-invest in them, well, forever if need be!
and I'm looking forward to getting the mail now :)
happy holidays to you and yours,
"Card me #5, please and thank you!"
I like this new tradition.
Card me like a teenager at a dance club!
card me too! how fun.
Card me please!
Card me too! :)
is it to late to Card me? pretty please with snowy sugar on top?