Scotch Heart

Kyle Armstrong is a difficult man to find. The full-time dad and as-much-time-as-he-can-find filmmaker has been quietly pursuing his craft for several years, working his way up from Super 8 to digital video and his recent shorts have garnered critical acclaim appearing the travelling Alberta film series Prairie Tales, and the FAVA Freshworks series, but his preference to keep his work in its original format has meant he's kept a fairly low profile.
Recently Armstrong composed a video to accompany Edmonton sound artist Mark Templeton's Scotch Heart cassette. The video found it's way to music blog Altered Zones and from there to its parent site, Pitchfork. Armstrong alternates treated footage of people and faces with surreal splashes of warm lava-lamp , abstract washes of colour, and palate-cleansing cuts to black to create a meditative piece that perfectly complements the hypnotic melodic abstraction of Templeton's score. Here's hoping more of his work gets a wider chance to be seen. In the meantime, grab a cup of tea, put on some headphones, pop it out to full screen, and enjoy.
If you'd like to learn a bit more about Armstrong, check out his recent interview with Vue Weekly here. He has one other video in the wilds of cyberspace - a promotional video he shot and edited for Edmonton/Vancouver musician Darren Frank:
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David Shepherd,