A Hermitage in the Woods

My son Mark has an independent streak and he likes his own space. When my two year old was born, Mark offered to move out and in with his uncle if we needed some more space. While he loves spending time with us, he dreams of having his own pad. A couple of years ago I was surfing the web with him and he saw this hermitage and he fell in love. He even offered to share the space with his younger brother.
This hermitage is a tiny retreat in a 64 sq ft footprint. It has a twin bed, a desk area, a storage closet, a basic kitchen area and 32 sq ft of covered deck space.While I love the concept, something looked wrong to me. It was the roof, I realized I would slope the roof towards the back of the cabin rather than the front. Luckily the plans are simple enough that it wouldn't be a big job to change things around. For only $17.00 you can purchase an ebook that not only includes the blueprints but also shows you how to construct your own little hermitage.
While not as refined at the famous Hermit's Cabin by Arvesund Living AB, it did let me know that a project like this is within reach and pretty affordable. Once insulated, the body heat from two boys, a dog, and a small space heater should be enough to keep it comfortable in anything but the most severe Saskatchewan winter night.
Reader Comments (2)
Hmm...my comment disappeared on here. And now it is sneaking up behind me with a pillow and I think it wants to......gah....
When you fight free from your pillow, let me know what your comment was!