Our Daily Bird 58: Put a Bird on It!

One of my favourite art blogs, My Love For You, recently shared this little morsel from the new television show Portlandia. (If you've spent any time at all browsing Etsy, you will understand.)
Income tax season is coming right up, so make sure to visit the Hedge Society next week when I post my tutorial on chickadee appliqués to brighten up your return! You'll make a Revenue Canada employee smile.
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This comment section was looking a little drab, so I thought I'd put a bird on it:
(/ \)
Aw... so sweet! <3 <3 <3
I want them to do that other popular applique "put a deer on it".
Fun stuff - thanks, René. And David, :-). So far, I've resisted the deer but yes, I confess to having many bird-adorned objects. Most are useful, though. If the choice is between a blank, beige file folder or one with little blue song-birds, well, of course I'll chose whimsy over bland. (I may have trouble justifying all my 2011 calendars, though.)
You know, I asked whether or not I should post this because I was afraid I might implode the Hedge Society with irony - a send-up of the handmade birdifying frenzy on a blog that features bird stuff and handmade stuff.
Are we "putting a bird on it" or are we doing something else?
(And yikes, I'm full of the heavy questions today. Hee.)