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Christmas Music: Sleeping At Last

Over the last seven years or so Chicago duo Sleeping At Last has been regularly releasing Christmas songs for free download. This year, along with their beautiful rendition of White Christmas, they're offering the complete collection of all 8 songs they've recorded so far. Combining Ryan O'Neal's gentle tenor with piano, strings, guitar, chimes, and drums, Christmas 2010 is as intimate and heartfelt a batch of seasonal songs as you could ask for.  It's perfect for curling up indoors with a warm mug of eggnog while a storm swirls outside. Even speaking as someone who doesn't really listen to holiday music, I have to admit this is truly beautiful stuff. Pick it up free via Noisetrade here.

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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you for the recommendation. I trust your excellent knowledge, talent and taste and will check this out tonight, with a warm mug of tea but no storm, I hope.

December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElaine
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