My To Do List: Publish My Own Book

Indie Publishing: How to Design and Publish Your Own Book I don't know how you did with your 2010 New Years' Resolution (mine was to be less cooperative and I did really well at it) but in 2011, I want to publish my own book from start to finish. It's something that I've wanted to do for years and is the brick and mortar equivalent to building a web site from scratch.
When I get around to it (ETA is 2015 at my current pace), Ellen Lupton's Indie Publishing will guide me through the process. It's only 170 pages which is good because I want to publish a book, not read about publishing a book. It covers the basics of indie book publishing: typography (just a hint, don't use Comic Sans), cover design, binding types, and examples of different designs with different kinds of books. For you ezine creators out there there is a section on handmade books.
Once you get your book published, then it's off to the next thing on your life list, beating Super Mario Brothers.