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Our Daily Bird 39: Bird With A Berry


A poem by one of the founders of the League of Canadian Poets, 1964 Governor General's Award winner, Raymond Souster (no word as to whether he helped design the matching spandex costumes).  It's good to know birds have these sorts of days too.


Bird With A Berry

A bird with a berry
big as its head tries
to carry it across
the back grass, gets halfway
then drops it.
                      When I ask him
why he doesn't pick it up again
he answers, "I'm just not
in the mood and besides
I'd probably only choke on the damn thing anyway,"

Which only proves birds
are no better than humans
at answering questions.

(c) Raymond Souster, 1977

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Reader Comments (1)

"no word as to whether he helped design the matching spandex costumes" ...you slay me, David!

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRené
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