David Shepherd:
Hi. My name is David and I'm a recovering musician (everyone: 'Hi David!'). I blame Mrs Miller. She caught me in a vulnerable moment, battered and bruised by the Royal Conservatory, and taught me to play by ear. First it was just a couple of notes a day. Then it was a few chords. Before I knew it I was writing entire songs and spending my nights haunting bars, pubs, and open stages looking for my next fix. I'd sold my soul for rock n' roll (or at least introspective-70's flavoured-singer-songwriter-pop-rock. With horns.)
After years of attempting to define myself through various musical endeavours (performer, sideman, studio engineer), I decided it was time to take a left turn at Albequerque. In January 2010, I returned to school to pursue an amalgamation of some other loves: story in all forms, and teaching. Come 2013 I will be unleashed on the high school students of the world as a newly minted English teacher. On the way there I'm finding that 3 English classes = a whole lot of reading, and that it's possible to thoroughly overanalyze a Shakespeare play.
No sooner did I move music to the backburner then I was given a generous grant by Rawlco Radio to record my first album, which saw its official release in September of this year. It features some of the best musicians I know and on good days I'm kind of proud of it.
A few other random facts:
- I prefer two wheels over four but have only had the guts to bike through one Edmonton winter.
- My favorite philosophers are Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.
- I am attempting to pursue a part-time career as a duelling pianist. It's a lot of work. You try brandishing a Bosendorfer.
- Terry Gilliam's Brazil is one of my favorite works of art.
- I strongly believe Scrabble is the game of kings.
- I eat a ridiculous amount of squash.
Web: www.davidshepherd.ca
Twitter: @88ways
E-mail: dmshep@gmail.com