Because robots are people too...(and Our Daily Bird: 62)
Friday, February 11, 2011 at 7:32AM
David Shepherd in David Shepherd, Making Things

Raven by Ann P. Smith

I was amused to click through @girlinthehedge's tweet this morning:

Robots are getting their own internet. Because hey, robots are people too.

It turns out that European scientists are working on a system to allow robots to communicate with each other and share knowledge they gain from interacting with the world. The BBC News reports:

RoboEarth will be a communication system and a database, [researcher Dr Markus Waibel] said.

In the database will be maps of places that robots work, descriptions of objects they encounter and instructions for how to complete distinct actions.

The human equivalent would be Wikipedia, said Dr Waibel.

"Wikipedia is something that humans use to share knowledge, that everyone can edit, contribute knowledge to and access," he said. "Something like that does not exist for robots."

Article originally appeared on Hedge Society (
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