Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 10:12AM
FS Michaels in FS Michaels, Who Knows?

The conversation we had last night in Canadian Tire:

Canadian: “Hey look! It’s a Christmas moose!”

Scottish-Canadian: “That’s not a moose.”

Canadian: “Yes it is.”

Scottish-Canadian: “No it isn’t.”

Canadian: “Yes it IS.”

Scottish-Canadian: “No it isn’t. That’s a reindeer.”

Canadian: “That’s not a reindeer. That’s a moose.”

Scottish-Canadian: “It’s a reindeer!”

Canadian: “It is NOT a reindeer. It’s a MOOSE.”

Scottish-Canadian: “Why would it be a moose? Christmas has reindeer.”

Canadian: “It’s Canada. It’s Christmas. It’s a Christmas moose.”

Scottish-Canadian: [long pause] “That’s crazy.”

Article originally appeared on Hedge Society (
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