A Sacred Home
Friday, November 12, 2010 at 6:14AM
Jordon in Architecture, Books, Jordon Cooper

Automatism by Lori Langille has long been a favorite weblog of mine.  She recently featured this long abandoned church that had been converted into a second home in Cape Town, South Africa.

It brought me back to a wonderful church conversion that was done by This Old House in San Francisco in 1997.

While some have turned old churches into wonderful summer homes and cottages, I have a simpler dream. I would love to convert an old church into a private library with the walls covered with books (and of course the obligatory rolling ladder).

Once the books are in place, give me a coffee table with a tabletop radio, a place for my dog to nap at my feet, a reclining chair to read on, and a comfortable sofa (for when I decide to join the dog for a nap).  I can't imagine a more enjoyable way to spend a winter storm in Saskatchewan.

Article originally appeared on Hedge Society (http://hedgesociety.squarespace.com/).
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